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Apply to the Academy

In a world that challenges us to find balance between competing values – pursuing professional life while enriching our Jewish lives, preserving tradition while embracing modernity, and contributing to society while supporting Jewish community and institutions – we provide Jewish teenagers with a compass for life.

We partner with parents to prepare our children for life as Jews in the 21st century. Beyond our uncompromising commitment to excellence in Judaic and general studies, we ensure our students are ready for the challenges ahead.

We look forward to getting to know you and your child as we guide you through the admissions process. Please contact Suzy Nussbaum or (773) 973-1450 x152 to set up an appointment to visit us or for more information.

We hope to see you soon

Application Fee

An application fee is $125. Please submit the application fee along with your application. Families who are new to ICJA can start an application here. Families who already have at least one child enrolled at ICJA should click here to begin an application.

Application Forms

  • Release of Information Form– should be completed for the applicants current school and for each service provider (Psychologist, Therapist, Social Worker, etc.)
  • Recommendation Form – should be completed by a Judaic studies teacher or synagogue rabbi and returned to the Admissions office under separate cover.
  • Financial Aid Forms – anyone requesting financial aid must submit a request through FACTs by completing their financial aid Application.  In addition, The Bernard Heerey Family Foundation Scholarship Form is available for middle income families who have already received tuition assistance. Finally, the Shay Scholarship Program is available for students applying from public schools.

Placement Exams

Placement Exams are required for admission to the school, with the results being one of the criteria used for class placement of students. We strongly recommend that you take these exams if you are at all considering applying to the Academy. Click here to register for the placement exams.

The placement exams are tests in English language, Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, and Science, the NETA test in Hebrew Language, a Tanach test in Bible and Prophets, and essays written in both English and Hebrew. In June an Algebra Proficiency Exam is administered to those eighth graders who may require a math placement beyond Algebra I. If you feel that this exam may be appropriate for you, email You will be contacted in late spring to register for this exam.

Intake Interview

After the completed application, recommendation, release of information forms, school records, and any psychoeducational testing results have been received, and after placement tests have been taken, the Academy will call families to schedule an intake interview for the applicant and one or both parents.

Academic Services Department

The Academic Services Department provides services for students including–but not be limited to–course changes, level changes, use of laptops, note-takers, readers, materials with enlarged print, books on tape, special classroom seating, extended time on assignments, extended time on tests, assignment to support teachers, social work services, assignment to the writing lab, and scheduled case management.

Before any student with special learning needs can be accepted to ICJA, the school must receive the necessary documentation to guarantee that ICJA can provide the needed service and accommodations to support successful learning. Documentation must be written by the diagnosing professional(s) and meet several guidelines.

Identifying academic strengths and weaknesses is critical for enhancing a student’s learning potential. Therefore, if a student requires academic services at the Academy it is required that a full psychoeducational evaluation report, including results from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V) and the Woodcock Johnson IV (with extended cognitive and extended achievement batteries), be submitted to the Admissions office as part of the application process. If a student has not yet undergone an evaluation, the Department of Student Academic Services is available to assist in identifying appropriate public and private testing resources. Upon receiving the evaluation report, the Academic Services staff will develop an educational plan to address a student’s learning needs. After registration, students and parents meet with the Academic Services staff to discuss the implementation of this plan. Students in Academic Services must attend all scheduled support sessions and make a commitment of at least 1-2 academic hours per day for homework. Parents are expected to provide a supportive environment to encourage academic discipline and effort.

When applications are being completed for the ACT, SAT or AP exam, the College Guidance Department staff assists all students who have been identified with learning needs with their application for testing accommodations (i.e. extended time, oral testing, and multiple-day testing). It is important to note that eligibility for these accommodations requires both a current psychoeducational evaluation and a record of academic services during the student’s high school years.

For more information, click here: Academic Services Department

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